Jessica Grabe

Primary Campus Assistant Principal

As an experienced, culturally responsive educator of twenty plus years who believes in educating the whole child, Jessica is happy to be joining the team at Elizabeth Academy.  She has a degree in Elementary Education and Middle School Social Studies.  Jessica has a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and a Principal Certification, but that is not where her educational experience began.  At 16 months old, her parents strongly believed in the Montessori philosophy and that is where she began her love of learning and exploring.  Her first teaching job was in High School when she became a certified ski instructor and taught the youngest adventurers.  At the time, she never thought she would be a teacher.  But 20 plus years later having taught 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grades and having been an instructional coach and Assistant Principal, including 7 years at Seward Montessori, she knows she has found her place.  She feels excited and privileged to begin this new adventure with all of you.  


Hear From Our Community

I especially appreciate the school’s focus on the whole child, which includes social skills development, in vivo problem-solving, community and service experiences, the arts, and practical living skills among so many other things! Most importantly, our children LOVE their school and literally gush about it anytime someone asks them.

Words cannot express the respect and gratitude I have for Elizabeth Academy. Our children’s experience (six years thus far) at both schools has been outstanding.

Our girls have attended Elizabeth Academy for six years now, and we can’t imagine sending them anywhere else for school. The individual attention and caring, collaborative environment at EA have been so good for both of them and we love the holistic Montessori approach to education. We also greatly appreciate all the efforts of the administration and teachers to provide our girls the ability to go to school safely during the pandemic. It has been a lifesaver for our family.