Caroline “CC” Clapp

CC grew up in Maine and has a Bachelor’s degree in Educational Studies from Dickinson College. She originally moved to Utah to teach skiing at Brighton Resort and has a passion for outdoor education. Before moving to Utah CC worked in Maine and Virginia as a trip leader and outdoor educator guiding hiking and canoeing wilderness trips, and teaching ecology and outdoor living skills.

CC loves to ski, hike and be on any river. She also has a passion for music and likes playing guitar and singing with friends. Most of her family is still on the east coast but she is working on convincing them to spend more time in Utah.

Elementary Staff

Hear From Our Community

I especially appreciate the school’s focus on the whole child, which includes social skills development, in vivo problem-solving, community and service experiences, the arts, and practical living skills among so many other things! Most importantly, our children LOVE their school and literally gush about it anytime someone asks them.

Words cannot express the respect and gratitude I have for Elizabeth Academy. Our children’s experience (six years thus far) at both schools has been outstanding.

Our girls have attended Elizabeth Academy for six years now, and we can’t imagine sending them anywhere else for school. The individual attention and caring, collaborative environment at EA have been so good for both of them and we love the holistic Montessori approach to education. We also greatly appreciate all the efforts of the administration and teachers to provide our girls the ability to go to school safely during the pandemic. It has been a lifesaver for our family.