News & Stories

Kids playing tug of war

EA Enlightenment March 2025

March winds whistle as the year winds down, ushering in our first performance in a whirlwind of year-end events.  The Wizard of Oz is our school play this year and students from early childhood through high school have been reading the book together in classrooms, studying the time period in which it was written, and learning more about the fascinating life of the author, L. Frank Baum. Spring events celebrate the culmination of a whole school year of learning at Elizabeth Academy, criss-crossing curriculum, and gathering students together as they […]

Integrated Services

Quick Links 1/31/25 As we have worked on increasing student independent skills, our Interventionists were able to visit the ASSERT Preschool on the Utah State University campus. We observed practitioners providing Discrete Trial Training (DTT*) instruction and implementing Activity Schedules. Activity Schedules have been well researched by Dr. Tom Higbee at Utah State. Activity schedules look like a small three ring binder. Each page has an activity on it that the student has been explicitly taught using no to limited language. This practice goes hand in hand with Montessori works. […]

EA Enlightenment February 2025

A Valentine from our Founder Dear Families, As I write this belated thanks to you for the special meeting we had in December, I am also realizing how appropriate it is that this note will reach you in the month of February, when terms of endearment are exchanged in valentines. My thoughts and feelings are tender as I think about our wonderful school community and I am grateful for the trust that you put in us and for the contributions that you make to the school. It was delightful to […]

EA Enlightenment December 2024

“Kindness is like snow—it beautifies everything it covers.” — Kahlil Gibran As we enter the final month of the year, we are filled with gratitude for the growth, achievements, and community spirit that have defined our school year so far. December is a special time for reflection, celebration, and connection, and we are excited to share the many upcoming events and highlights with you. From seasonal activities to important year-end reflections, this month promises to be filled with joy and togetherness. As always, we are deeply grateful for the continued […]

EA Enlightenment November 2024

Oh No… vember! Oh yes! Remember… The clocks have rolled back but time marches forward. The season has cooled but our hearts are warm with gratitude for family, friends, a beautiful world and a bountiful harvest.  November events include our Open House for families interested in the next school year’s program. The Open House will be Thursday, November 14th, 5:00-7:00 pm and will be an informative evening explaining the various program levels offered at Elizabeth Academy. Please help us spread the word by inviting friends, family, and neighbors.  The last week […]

Announcement for the 2025-2026 School Year

My Dear Elizabeth Academy Colleagues, Students, Families, We have just entered our 15th year at Elizabeth Academy and our 7th year of learning at our upper/secondary campus. Beginning in 2009, with just 3 classes of early childhood students, expanding in 2017 to include high school, and finishing our last school year having had a total of 14 high school graduates, our commitment has always been to deliver a high quality academic program, aligned to our foundational values, which are: Inclusivity, Kindness, Honesty and Commitment. I believe we have stayed true […]

EA Enlightenment October 2024

So long September, on to October, hills ablaze in vibrant hues. A wondrous world we live in, check out our EA news… A wondrous world indeed. Our students are now actively engaged in the wonders of learning at Elizabeth Academy. Our Welcome Back Picnic was a delightful event, gathering as a school community with good company and great food. October ushers in a week off from school with a Teacher Workday, Monday, October 7th, then Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 8th and 9th, and Fall Break, Thursday and Friday, […]

EA Enlightenment September 2024

Sweet September. We welcome you back to school with open arms and happy smiles. All summer long we have been planning for the great school year ahead of us. Now, let it all begin! First, if you haven’t noticed already, take a look at our sleek new website! Yes, our updated website went live on the first day of school, August 19th. It’s a clean, fresh new look with smooth organizational design and functionality. Check it out! Coming up quickly, our School Picture Days will be September 9th-17th. Please see […]

2024-2025 Back to School Information

Welcome Elizabeth Academy Families! Summer is still sizzling, but fall will be here soon so prepare yourselves for the brightest school year yet! All of our leaders; including administrators, lead teachers and interventionists, have been busily at work this summer, preparing an exciting and engaging year of learning for you at Elizabeth Academy. As founder of Elizabeth Academy, I will once again be taking the lead as Executive Director, ensuring that our school stays on track to fulfill its ultimate mission and vision, maintaining its cultural values, especially in regard […]