
Stronger Together

Montessori classrooms are actually classroom communities, mini-societies made up of children of multiple age-groups in 3-year cycles who model their elder peers in their first year and lead their younger peers in their last year. The Montessori classroom is therefore a microcosm of our larger societal community, where children learn to get along together in their diverse ages and abilities, growing to their fullest potential. 

What is Montessori Education?

Maria Montessori was the first female doctor in Italy. Through careful observation of children, and adhering to the scientifically proven planes of childhood development, she established the Montessori Method and philosophy more than 100 years ago. The Montessori approach offers children intentionally prepared environments that are full of beauty and order. Materials in the classroom are appealing and designed to meet the developmental needs of each child. Montessori-trained teachers act as “guides,” allowing children freedom of movement and choice within the limits of their ability and understanding, nurturing and stretching them at the same time. 

Montessori environments are beautiful, full of natural light, creating a sense of wonder with wooden beads and blocks, books of all kinds, and flowers in glass vases. Montessori classrooms are alive with movement and musical sound. Students move about the classroom to choose their “works” off the shelves, to discuss a project with a classmate, and to put things away before choosing another work. Montessori students are busy. Animated conversation and silent observation work together in the same space, imbuing a learning atmosphere of pure joy.. 

Embracing the Montessori Method

We embrace the ideal of true inclusion at Elizabeth Academy, warmly welcoming children of all abilities into our classrooms. The Montessori Method is a natural choice for curriculum. A sense of belonging resonates as learning becomes a collaborative effort. The method is scientifically proven to reach children at their developmental levels and, while some added structures are needed for full educational inclusion, the Montessori philosophy of human potential is transcendent. It lifts, it loves, it inspires everyone in the learning community. 



Given the freedom to question, probe deeply, and make connections, students become confident, enthusiastic, self-directed learners.


Students learn from their mistakes and solve problems. They learn to think critically.


Students develop self-control and concentration. They learn to be empathetic, work collaboratively, and act boldly.


Hands-on experiences help students to understand, integrate, and retain information.

Teacher and student learning with blocks

Hear From Our Community

I especially appreciate the school’s focus on the whole child, which includes social skills development, in vivo problem solving, community and service experiences, the arts, and practical living skills among so many other things! Most importantly, our children LOVE their school and literally gush about it anytime someone asks them.