EA Enlightenment December 2024

“Kindness is like snow—it beautifies everything it covers.”
— Kahlil Gibran
As we enter the final month of the year, we are filled with gratitude for the growth, achievements, and community spirit that have defined our school year so far. December is a special time for reflection, celebration, and connection, and we are excited to share the many upcoming events and highlights with you.
From seasonal activities to important year-end reflections, this month promises to be filled with joy and togetherness. As always, we are deeply grateful for the continued support of our families and the hard work of our dedicated staff, who make every day at Elizabeth Academy an inspiring and enriching experience.
We wish you a wonderful holiday season, filled with peace, joy, and warmth, and we look forward to finishing the year strong together.
Elizabeth Academy
December Events
D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read): December 5th, 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM
EAPO Campus Conversations- Secondary School: December 11th, 2:30 PM
EAPO Campus Conversations- Primary School: December 12th, 8:50 AM
Fire Drill- No Alarm: December 12th
Primary School Enrichments- Light & Arts Festival: December 13th
EAPO Pizza Wednesday: December 18th
Love & Light Festival: December 19th, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Continuing Enrollment Begins: December 19th
EAPO Primary School Friday Fun Day: December 20th- More information to come
Winter Break: December 21st- January 5th
Love & Light Festival
Every year we come together to celebrate the season and our community. Students have been making lanterns at home and we are inviting families in our neighborhood to join us and make lanterns as well. We will assemble these lanterns into a community lantern walk. Please drop your lantern off at the front desk by Wednesday, December 18th.
In the spirit of sharing, we will also being doing a cookie share! Sign up to bring a plate of your family’s favorite cookies. Send you recipe to primaryadmin@elizabethacademy.com before the event so that we can include it in our digital Cookie Recipe Book, which will be shared with all EA families.

Continuing Enrollment
We would like to thank you for entrusting Elizabeth Academy with the honor and responsibility of educating your children. We are looking forward to continuing our commitment to provide an outstanding education. Every year just before Winter Break, we send the digital link to continuing enrollment via email to our current families. Filling out this continuing enrollment contract by the continuing enrollment deadline gives you priority for the 2025-2026 school year. This year, continuing enrollment will open on Thursday, December 19th, 2024, and will close on Friday, January 10th, 2025. You will receive an email from FACTS inviting you to complete your continuing enrollment and giving you instructions on how to complete it. If you have questions about your student’s enrollment for 2025-2026 please reach out to primaryadmin@elizabethacademy.com.

Staff Recognition- December 2024

Brenda Jensen- Primary School Campus
“Both of my daughters absolutely love Mrs. Brenda! She is like their 3rd grandmother. Always welcoming them every morning with a calm and happy demeanor. She is loving, kind, supportive, yet stern.” – Jessica Camp
Take the time to recognize a staff member. We know how much they put into their jobs and to the education of the students. You can recognize a teacher, specialist, therapist or administrative staff member. We will do a monthly drawing of those submitted to feature in our newsletter. All who are recognized will be given a copy of these responses as well. Go to the school app to submit recognition for those staff members. Submit Staff Recognition
You are invited to Utah Symphony | Utah Opera’s 2025 Access to Music Concert on
January 23 at 7:00 PM at Abravanel Hall in
Salt Lake City.
This concert is presented specifically for people with sensory sensitivities or other disabilities and their families. Featuring the Utah Opera Resident Artists and Utah Symphony, this performance is a valuable opportunity for all to experience live music without any expectation to remain seated or refrain from audible or physical reactions to the performance. The house lights will remain on and doors will remain open for anyone wishing to relocate to a less acoustically-active space.
All ages are welcome to this free, hour-long concert. Reserve tickets on the website: Access to Music 2025 Tickets. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who might benefit from it!

Primary School

Inclusion and Community
On Tuesday November 26th the EAPO hosted our annual Gratitude and Grandfriends event. We wanted to say thank you to all that planned and then attended the event. It was great seeing some of the grandparents and families of our students. The feeling of getting together and having families come, eat pie, connect, and then head into the holiday weekend started us off well. We’re grateful to all of you for being a part of our community. Thank you for all you do and the parts you play.
There are only three short weeks in December, but we look forward to filling them with engagement, community building, and love.
In community,
Nate and Jessica
Montessori Minute
In the Montessori classroom, the teachers are guides who create an environment that promotes exploration and student interest. They maintain a safe, clean, engaging, and stimulating classroom where all students feel comfortable, safe, and valued. Through observation, teachers are able to see academic and social growth and are able to guide the students along the path of continued learning. Along with the classroom environment, the success of the child is a true partnership between student, teacher, and family.
“The children are now working as if I did not exist.”
– Maria Montessori

Primary School Highlight
We are focusing on a love of literacy this year and wanted to highlight some exciting initiatives. Our library supports our school values (inclusivity, honesty, commitment, and kindness) through literacy. Each month we have a different inclusivity focus in library classes. In November, our inclusive theme is Native American Heritage, as well as homelessness and hunger. In Early Childhood, we read Fire Race, a tale from the Karuk tribe. We talked about the importance of stories for Native Americans, and older students read books by and about Native Americans. This week, we are reading The Rainbow Fish and discussing the importance of sharing with those who have less. Our goal is to highlight different aspects of our lives and help our students understand the power of inclusivity.
Students in grades 3-6 were asked to volunteer to participate in the Reading Buddies program as reading mentors. These students will receive training throughout the year and become Certified Elizabeth Academy Reading Mentors. We also had the opportunity to have Rosemary Wells, a well known children’s author and illustrator, at our school. She gave two presentations to our elementary students on her illustration methods and writing process, giving them a glimpse into what it is to be a professional author and inspiring them to write and illustrate their own books. Our hope is to allow our students to peek into what it is to be an author and inspire them to create.
We will be launching a Reading Buddies program at EA which will begin in December. During dismissal (3:25-3:45), student mentors from Upper Elementary and Lower Elementary will read with younger students. Our goal is to add a literacy boost at the end of each day and in turn create opportunities for service learning and a community of caring among our students. Twenty minutes of reading 5 days a week for 20 weeks equals 2,000 extra minutes of reading time per child.
Arts & Enrichment Present:
Light & Arts Festival
You are invited to join us for an arts & enrichment student sharing event happening on Friday, December 13, 2024. As an extension of their continent studies this year, Early Childhood, Lower Elementary, and Upper Elementary students are exploring light festivals of Asia and the theme of light, including the unity, peace, connection and community that light can represent. Early Childhood students will share what they have learned from 8:50 – 9:10 am, Upper Elementary students from 9:20 – 10:30 am, and Lower Elementary students from 10:40 – 11:50 am.

Primary Community
We have 19 Upper Elementary students signed up this year to participate in the Snowbird youth ski program. This is a 6 week program where students will be strengthening their skills through a 2 ½ hour lesson taught by professional ski/snowboarding instructors. This year, we will be heading up to the mountain on the following Thursdays: January 9th, 16th, 23th, 30th and two dates in February, the 6th and 20th. This is a long standing partnership and we are excited to continue the tradition.

Secondary School

Dear Elizabeth Academy Secondary School Families,
It is hard to believe that we are mid-way through the academic year, and that 2024 is coming to a close… As 2025 brings about big shifts, I am finding myself enjoying this holiday season with this community more than ever. I would like to celebrate some of the special moments we experienced in November – including: a successful Penny Wars fundraiser where students collected over $300 for the Best Friends League, our Student Council developing and presenting a School Mascot proposal at our Elizabeth Academy Board Meeting, and Secondary students helping us bring back our Pancake Breakfast!
In the upcoming weeks, we have exciting things ahead. Instead of doing Service Week in just one week this year, we will be providing opportunities for service on Fridays throughout the next few months. On December 19th, we invite you all to join us at the Primary Campus (2870 Connor St) for our Love and Light event from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm- which will include a performance from our Secondary students Theater elective, and will feature a student-run market showcasing products developed in our Microeconomy elective. Stock up on handmade cards, jewelry, felt decorations, and more! We hope to see you there!
As a reminder, Star Testing will happen from December 9th-13th, and the semester ends on the 20th of December. Grades will close on that day. Winter recess will start December 23rd and continue until January 5th. Report Cards will be processed the first week of January, and delivered on the 6th of January. Make sure to check grades this week, and remind your student to begin working towards closing out the semester.
Looking forward to next semester, as Ski Club (Starting January 10th), and our Spring Trip (May 6th-9th) return, along with other hallmark traditions, such as more Pancake Breakfasts and our Spring Showcase!
I wish you all a happy holiday season!
Sofia Rigolon

Student Council Message
Hello EA Secondary Community,
Penny Wars were a success! Students surpassed their goal of $250 by earning $305.45! Student Council won and chose to donate to the Best Friends League. Members of the student council presented their proposal for a school mascot. They did a great job explaining the steps they took to narrow it down and why they feel the Blue Heron would be a good school mascot.
December 2nd through the 13th, student council will be selling candy grams for $3.00 each. Parents and students can purchase during lunch and the Student Council will deliver. We hope to use this fundraiser to make Teacher Christmas presents.
-Student Council

Snowbird Youth Ski Program 2025– Secondary School
Snowbird Youth Ski Program:
Elizabeth Academy has been a participant in the Snowbird Youth and Ski program for almost 10 years! Join us this ski season for 6 weeks of lessons.
It is a wonderful opportunity offered by the Snowbird Mountain School. Professional ski instructors spend the afternoon with our students in small groups educating them about the mountain and how to enjoy it safely. Small groups encourage learning through exploration and camaraderie. Avalanche awareness, safe mountain travel, etiquette and skill development are components of each session.
Students are placed into groups based on ability/ski level and receive a 2.5 hour (1:00 pm-3:30 pm) long lesson.
This is a 6 week program that will take place on the following FRIDAYS: January 10th, January 24th, January 31st, February 7th, 21st, and 28th
The cost is $330; plus $50 for transportation and school incidentals- costing a total of $380.
Students who participate in the program will need to come with their own or rented equipment upon arrival to school each ski day. Students will depart at *12pm and will return to school around 4:30pm, depending on weather conditions and traffic.
Students will be transported by both Guides and parent volunteers. Parents who transport the students will get a lift pass and can ski compliments of Snowbird while the students are in their lessons.
After you sign up using the link below, the Elizabeth Academy Business Office will email you a bill requesting payment. You can pay via cash, credit card, or we can add it to your FACTS payments. Payment in full must be made by December 20th.
The last day to sign up will be December 6th, 2024!

EAPO Corner

Campus Conversations
Secondary School- Wednesday, December 11th , 2:30pm in the Life Skills Room
Primary School- Thursday, December 12th, 8:50am in the Black Box
Campus Conversations are monthly meetings hosted by the EAPO. Lasting approximately one hour, Campus Conversations are informal discussions, and are the best way to stay informed about what is happening both on the Primary and Secondary Campuses, and to be in the loop about upcoming events and activities. Light refreshments are served.

Required Volunteer Hours
Volunteer opportunities available in the school app. Each family is responsible for 20 hours of in-person volunteering and/or $200 payment in lieu of fulfilling volunteer hours for the 2024-2025 school year. To record your hours follow the below steps:
- Log into your family portal at factsmgt.com. (Our district code is EA-UT)
- Go to the Family Tab
- On the Family Home, there is a drop down window on the top. Make sure this says your name.
- Directly under that drop down box is the service hours section. There is a small add button in that section to add your hours.

Pizza Wednesdays
Our next pizza day is on Wednesday, December 18th. Both campuses will participate. To purchase the pizza meal, go to the school store in the app.
$200,000 in Tuition Assistance and Merit Scholarships!
We have $200,000 in tuition assistance and merit scholarships available to new and continuing students! Please help us to spread the word.
Merit Scholarships – Students entering Upper Elementary and entering or continuing in Middle School are eligible to apply for merit scholarships. Applicants are due in November of each year, and scholarships are awarded in December.
Tuition Assistance – All families of students applying for any of our programs (infant through middle school) are welcome to apply for tuition assistance. Our comprehensive tuition assistance application takes more than just household income into consideration and considers extenuating circumstances. Tuition assistance awards at the Infant, Toddler, and Early Childhood levels are up to 30% of tuition, while awards at the elementary and middle school levels can be up to 50% of tuition.
To renew financial aid, families must complete an application each year. This process allows us to verify and document that families who receive financial aid continue to demonstrate the need for tuition assistance. Please be prepared to submit your prior-year tax documents (the taxes that were due last April) by the deadline in order to receive full consideration for tuition assistance. All inquiries, applications, and supporting documentation with regard to financial aid are treated confidentially.
How to Apply for Tuition Assistance
Step 1
Create a FACTS account at https://online.factsmgt.com/aid. FACTS is the company we use to process our tuition assistance applications. The application for the 2025–2026 school year is live.
FACTS enables you to save your progress and return at any time.
Step 2
At the end of the FACTS application, pay the $45 fee and submit.
The application deadline is January 31. Priority will be given to complete applications submitted by the deadline. Late or incomplete applications may not receive full consideration for a financial aid award.
Please Give us a Google Review
Please take a moment to give us a review by clicking on the following lik. Reviews are very important because they help other families to find us. If you give us a review by December 13th, we will enter you into a raffle for a fun winter prize!
- Google Review
- https://g.page/r/CdWty3Q47xCsEBM/review
- Once you fill out the Google review, please copy and paste it into the other review sites below.
- Yelp
- https://www.yelp.com/writeareview
- Log in (you can click on “log in through Google” to make it easier) and submit review
- Private School Review
- https://www.privateschoolreview.com/elizabeth-academy-profile
- Scroll to the bottom under “School Reviews”
- GreatSchools.org
- https://www.greatschools.org/reviews/
- Scroll down to “share your story” and type in Elizabeth Academy to leave a review